Saturday, 5 December 2015

My Spirit Sings

Like blackbirds at the fall of evenings chill, My spirit sings.
Echoing across the stillness of the coming night, I feel it's power,- I feel it's might.
A song whose voice is older than the songs our distant forebears sung.
Booming out across the void,
Vibrating deeper than the largest bell that ever rung.

Lost in rhythm, as it;s voice is carried through my beating drum,-
My pounding heart rejoices as all worldly cares are swept away.
In the shelter of it's beat, I feel the stillness of the night throughout the clamour of the day.
The spirits of the ancients guide my fingers as I play.

In the pulsing of the drum, I hear the haunting call of Eagle as I play.
Crow is here, And as his dance begins,- my body starts to sway.
Though he never speaks,- he reaches out and opens up the vortex as the rhythm builds,
While Black-Elk draws the power of the ancients to the circling drums to heal our ills.

In this sacred place, created by the spirits of our fathers as they join our dance.
There is love and healing and the power to grab our greatest chance.
To fly to where our spirits soar, to touch again the lives we lived before,
The wisdom of the ancients, speaking in our hearts once more.
Reminding us that we can touch the joy, that once was ours, again.
That we can live in balance with the earth,
As once we did when mankind first began.

Let your temple be a tree. Live life to the full and live it free.
Badger, Elk and Owl have wisdom greater than this careworn world can see.
Open up your eyes and ears and heart.
Be healed and be all you can be.
Let all nations rise in Love and Hope to heal our Mother Earth,
And let us be the loving children, we were meant to be.

Patrick W Kavanagh

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