Saturday, 1 December 2018

When Tears Will Not Come

 Sometimes, we are frozen. We are frozen by grief and frozen by shock.
Perhaps, we feel that we are being strong. We are ‘holding it together’ for ourselves and those we love. We keep a tight grip on our emotions to get us through the loss of a loved one, a broken romance or the unexpected ending of our way of living. We harden our hearts and struggle on, while each day a little piece of us dies.

Tears must come. Without them, we will never release the pain and find healing. Until we let go of the anger, frustration and grief inside of us we will never be fully alive again. Ten years ago, I lost my wife and I fell into deep despair. I withdrew from life and my health began to fail. Each day, I died a little more inside.

Then one day, the first poem appeared from somewhere beyond my conscious mind. I believe that it was guidance from the spirit of my departed wife. Each poem brought tears. Each poem brought healing.

I was encouraged to post my poetry on social media. The many comments which I have received over the past six years have convinced me that the messages which I have passed on have provided a source of comfort and healing to those who are suffering from depression and grief. Many also relate to coping with our own illness and that of loved ones. They seem to contain a wisdom which is beyond my conscious awareness and I believe that they can provide a valuable resource for those who wish to live a more inspired and fulfilling life.

Patrick W Kavanagh
November 2018

1 comment:

  1. Your poetry is so raw so true and just beautiful it speaks from the heart
